Daily Leo Horoscope January 02 (02/01)
July 23 − Aug 22
Alias: Alias: The Lion
January 02
daily leo horoscope:
daily leo horoscope:
Star 7/10
One essential character in a fantasy story is The Wizard or a wise individual offering amazing insight and guidance to central characters. Even when our hero or heroine believe all is lost, this knowledgeable individual encourages and inspires them with calm words of support and comfort. Perhaps, such a person exists in your world. Its possible you could be your own most influential and inspiring influence! A genuine reason to feel proud, inspired and motivated is coming.
Read more...Star 7/10
Advice is cheap. It can be found anywhere. Even a complete stranger will offer it if asked and is in a mood to oblige. There are times though when we need to focus on our reasons for seeking it. Sometimes, we dont want someones honest opinion; we want only for them to confirm theyd do what were doing if they were in the same situation! You dont need confirmation in a way you might believe you do. Trust what youre telling yourself. You know you better than anyone else!
Read more...Star 8/10
This week, its a case of starting as you mean to go on. Given that this month marks the start of a highly ambitious year, you could see signs of reassuring progress or at least be reassured a plan is showing early signs of success during coming days. It could also become clear this week that youre not going to achieve all you want to achieve singlehandedly but you can expect early indications that a plan that looked good on paper could actually exceed certain expectations.
Read more...Star 8/10
An exciting fresh start youve been anticipating might take longer than youd hoped to show signs of progress, so allow until the 12th for momentum to get underway. The Full Moon could highlight in no uncertain terms a sensitive matter, possibly a romantic or relationship issue, that could see you tempted to brush it under the carpet to be dealt with at a later date. You will know it needs accepting and confronting. Rise above it confidently and resolve it, once and for all.
Read more...Star 10/10
Usually, you are a pretty happy and healthy individual. As long as you are in the spotlight and feel the admiration of those around you, you are energetic and seldom slow down. Yet, in order for this fire to not go out, you need to take care of your bodys myriad needs. Visualize how you would eat and what schedule you would keep in a perfect world. Visualization is the starting place. Your enjoyment of unusual food can motivate you to try out new recipes that ultimately lead to a healthier diet.
Read more...Star 10/10
You will see many possibilities when you open your mind to what could be your diet and exercise regimen. You comprehend intuitively what is necessary. So, when you find the things you feel would help you most, write them down on a piece of paper, using two columns: one column for practices youve never tried before, the other column for things you already are doing or have done in the past. Figure out how easily these items could be incorporated into your life.
Read more...Star 9/10
Emotional wounds are emphasized now, which means that this isnt the time to push aside your feelings. If you feel inner pain, as though an issue has been reawakened, dont ignore it. It could have repercussions on your health. Talk it over with someone you trust who may be able to help you find a resolution. Get plenty of rest and youll have more energy.
Read more...Star 10/10
You may be aware of the need for more rest and relaxation, but in practice find it hard to follow through on it. This months outlook also suggests you may have some big plans to make sweeping changes in the weeks ahead. These might include radical decisions about diet and exercise and taking key supplements to enable you to function optimally. Dont be too hard on yourself, though. Introduce new measures slowly so you can integrate them into your present routine little by little. Youll be much likelier to succeed. Easy does it now.
Read more...Star 8/10
It would help if you could go a little deeper in your conversations with your beloved, rather than merely skirting over the surface because you are too embarrassed to say what you mean. The celestial configuration encourages the kind of conversations that you generally prefer to avoid, but which you would be wiser to attempt in order to clear the air. All you have to is to start talking.
Read more...Star 9/10
Todays planetary energy brings the need to talk with a loved one, but the only question is, just how much of this talk reflects what either of you truly feels? You may think you are both getting to the heart of the matter, but in fact you may be just skirting around one particular issue. It is best not to come to any firm decisions just yet.
Read more...Star 8/10
Take your interest in the latest romantic topics and trends to a new level at the beginning of the week. If youve taken all the classes aimed at singles, maybe its time for you to teach one yourself! You are definitely qualified. Youre a hot date later in the week, so dont settle for less than you deserve. Anyone would be lucky to be seen with you!
Read more...Star 10/10
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius on January 4 means reflecting on the past and thinking about what you could have done differently. Regret is unnecessary and detrimental. There isnt anything you can do about it now, so forgive yourself and move on. The Gemini Moon on January 9 and January 10 diversifies your interests and makes you search for intellectually stimulating partners. The mood is light and casual, with the emphasis on humor and having a good time. Mercury joins Pluto on January 26, bringing some long-buried issues to the surface. Reveal whats on your mind to the person you feel closest to.
Read more...Star 8/10
You are in good favor with the people around you today. Your tremendous good luck has pulled through once again and you will find yourself standing in the right place at the right time. Your preparation is finally meeting up with opportunity.
Read more...Star 9/10
Team-members in the workplace will give you the boost you need today to get your work to the level it needs to be at. Ask advice from others but dont be afraid to go out on your own. Working independently will be quite rewarding for you today.
Read more...Star 7/10
Youll be at your most talkative and vivacious now. Assignments that require adaptability and offer variety will be the most suitable. The cosmos brings an opportunity to be more creative and also gather people in constructive ways. This period is ideal for promoting your work or business interests. A cheerful attitude will make the time pass quickly and help others do their best. Take deep breaths if you feel especially stressed.
Read more...Star 8/10
Someone could try to take credit for your work around January 12. Be willing to protect your reputation. Save all your e-mails and let your supervisor know what youre doing. If your boss is the one who is claiming your contributions, think about moving on to greener pastures. Forming a professional partnership is strongly advised toward the end of January. You will greatly benefit from working with a highly analytical person. Their reliance on facts and figures will keep you from having unrealistic expectations. In exchange, youll lend a sorely needed human touch to the work.
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